Saturday, June 22, 2013

Filmmaking Fans

            There are a lot of people I know that complain about the films that are coming out of Hollywood, and yet when I ask them what is the last independent film they went and saw to support they cannot name even one. But when asked what studio film they saw last, they rattle off films even from the past opening weekend.

            If you are a true fan of something, the worst thing you can do is be passive. There is so much white noise out there with all of the distractions it’s a wonder that anything without a major budget makes it at all. If you enjoy fantasy films, get out there and enjoy them, enjoying them equals supporting them!

            I have some good friends that love to listen to audio books. And when they find a good one, they let all of their friends borrow their CD. That is the worst thing a true fan can do. Think of it this way – your money is your “vote” to keep whatever you love going. Be it a film, book, or band. Independents do not have deep pockets and the only way they’ll survive is if you get out and vote for them. Let others know about it and then encourage them to buy a copy of their own.

            Fan engagement is down so much that in order to get just a few fans into action – indie filmmakers must spend a ton of resources to spur them into action and even then if you get 20% you are doing great. It’s a good time for indie filmmakers and yet a hard time. Good in the sense that the price of equipment has dropped significantly, the digital age of acceptance is upon us and the distribution platform is ever expanding. It’s a hard time for us as there is so much content out there all competing for the elusive fan.
            I believe there are 3 types of “fans”. The first is just someone who is passively interested in your film (The Looker). The 2nd will like your fan page and may buy your DVD, but not much more than that (The Seeker). The 3rd is the most important, but is so hardest to achieve, and that is an ambassador of the film (The Doer). Ambassadors will like your page buy your DVD and most importantly they will share your film with their friends and actually engage you when you post things or ask questions, and will be a voice for the film. They are the life-blood of indie filmmakers.

So should you find yourself enjoying an indie film/book/band/game – get out there and help spread the word and vote with your dollar!

           For without you we are nothing. 

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