Through the years of being a filmmaker, I’ve met several self-proclaimed filmmakers. Upon further investigation, I find out they actually have never made a film, but really want to. Well, I hate to disappoint, but in my book that’s not a filmmaker; it’s more of a film enthusiasts. You have to earn the title by doing a film. It’s hard work, and it’s better not to take that title for granted. Filmmakers give up so much to make a film. They struggled, worked hard and power through to make a film. I’m convinced that unlike the “one ring” in “Lord of the Rings” “wants to be found,” as Gandalf describes, a film is just the opposite. A film doesn’t want to be made; it fights you at every step of the way. Only the few complete a true full-length feature film (narrative or documentary). Those few know what I’m talking about. It’s not for the faint of heart, nor is it a simple title given away and used lightly; it’s one that is earned.
And, being a filmmaker is like working out at the gym. I was looking around this weekend at all the many other people in the gym with me. They weren’t the elite bodybuilders. Most of them were out of shape, but there they were going for it right along with me. No matter how out of shape they were, it was their effort that motivated me. I actually had a better work-out because of their exerted effort. Surround yourself with motivated individuals, and you will find yourself rising to new heights. Filmmaking is tough, so it’s critical that you stay motivated. You got to go for it, but in the right way. Wildly going for it is a crazy persons’ game and for the young.
I’m not 21 anymore. When it comes to working out, I have to ease in, not just jump in all crazy like. I have to go into working out, and filmmaking, with responsibility. Lately, I’ve talked to filmmakers that are willing to go “all in” on their first shot. They are willing to give up everything and risk their family’s welfare along with it. This is just rash, and even false bravado. I fully understand the urge and desire to prove you have what it takes, but, keep in mind, most films will never return a profit to their investors. I know we think we have “the one” idea that will change the way film is done, but in case you don’t, there is nothing showing a little responsibility when you make a film.
If you do these things, it still won’t be easy, but before you know it you might just have a film and be a filmmaker.